I am so so so excited to share my Mom and Dad's kitchen renovation with you guys! I'll have you know that my mother is the most selfless, generous, loving person on the planet, and if anyone is deserving of an updated kitchen, it's her! I affectionately call her Martha Stewart on 'roids, because this woman can do it all. And when I say all, I mean ALL. Growing up, she would make us pancakes every morning before school and send us off with yummy lunches with fresh baked brownies and love notes to us. She would do kart-wheels down the hallway at hotels on family vacations and handstand dives off the diving board into our pool. She re-upholsters and refinishes furniture, hangs wallpaper for my clients, and does the books at my Dad's construction company. I would sketch my prom dress designs in high school and she would make them. My obsession and knowledge of plants is all her because her green thumb is second to none. BLT's are an everyday occurrence at my parents during summer because the tomatoes from her garden are stupid good. She is an incredible cook and hosts parties like a boss. I also have vivid memories of her shooting a rattlesnake in our backyard and also cutting the head of another one. Like I said, if Martha Stewart and Rambo had a love child, my Mom would be it. She is so special to me and I feel so grateful to call her mine.
For their kitchen, we removed (and relocated) a small pantry that was located to the left of the range and got rid of the uppers on the range wall. It really opened up the space and made it feel much lighter and brighter. Obviously, we replaced all the appliances, cabinetry, countertops and floors. Here is the before so you can see where we started.